Publication Rules

The manuscript is sent to the editor in electronic form. The file loads into the system with the article must be submitted in Microsoft Word format (with the extension *.doc, *.docx).

The volume of the full text of the manuscript is 3 pages (excluding metadata and images) manuscript text format. The text should be printed in Times New Roman font, have a size of 12 pt and line spacing of 1.5 pt. The indentation on each side of the page is 2 cm. Text can be highlighted ONLY in italics or semi-bold letters, but NOT underline. It is necessary to remove from the text all repeated spaces and extra line breaks (in automatic mode through the Microsoft Word ‘Find and Replace’ service).

STRUCTURE OF THE MANUSCRIPT should correspond to the template below (depending on the type of work).

1. Russian-speaking metadata (Russian-speaking metadata should be duplicated in English)

Article title.

Author names. The initials of the name and patronymic are put before the surname during writing of authors (P.S. Ivanov, S.I. Petrov, I.P. Si dorov)

Institutions. It is necessary to provide the official and FULL name of the institution (with‑out abbreviations). It is necessary after writing the name of the institution to write the name of the city or country and to separate by a comma. If authors from different institutions took part in writing the manuscript, it is necessary to correlate the names of institutions and the full names of authors by adding digital indexes in upper case in front of the names of institutions and the names of the respective authors.

The summary of the article should be (if the work is original) structured: relevance, purpose, materials and methods, results, conclusion. Every summary should be fully consistent with the con‑tent of every work. The volume of the text of the resume should contain from 100 to 300 words.

Keywords. Keywords must be specified — from 3 to 10. Keywords contribute to the indexing of articles in search engines. Keywords must match in pairs in Russian and English.

2. English-speaking metadata (English-speaking metadata should be duplicated in Russian)

Article title. The English‑speaking title must be literate from the point of view of the English language. It should be fully correspond to the Russian‑speaking title.

Author names. Full names must be written in accordance with a foreign passport or in the same way as in the previously published articles in foreign journals. Authors who publish for the first time and do not have a foreign passport should use the transliteration standard BGN/PCGN

Affiliation. The OFFICIAL ENGLISH NAME OF THE INSTITUTION must be indicated. The most complete list of names of institutions and their official English version can be found on the website (

Abstract. The English‑speaking version of the summary of the article in terms and meaning (Aim, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions) should be fully complied with the Russian language one and be literate from the point of view of English.

Keywords (in the vast majority of Western articles it is written together). The Thesaurus of the National Medical Library of the USA — Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) is used for selecting of keywords in English.

3. The main body of the article. The full text (in Russian, English) should be structured into sections. Structure of the full text of the manuscript which is devoted to the description of the results of original research should correspond to the generally accepted template and contain sections: introduction (relevance), purpose, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions.

All terms in Latin are italicized (e.g., in vivo, in vitro, rete venosus superficialis), as well as Latin letters, which are used to denote variables and physical quantities (e.g., n = 20, p < 0.05) Greek letters are typed in direct font.

Information on financing, compliance with ethical standards and on the presence / absence of a conflict of interest (declaration of conflict of interest) should be provided at the end of the main body of the article.

Financing. The study was carried out with the financial support of … the foundation within the framework of the project No … / … within the framework of the topic of the state task …

Compliance with ethical standards. The study was approved by the protocol of the ethics com‑mittee … (protocol number, date of approval).

Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

The Author’s contribution. The role of each author in the work on the publication is described (for example, conducting an experiment, description, processing of results, selection of literature).

Information on the authors.

All authors of the manuscript are indicated sequentially: full name, academic degree, academic title, position, place of work (including city and country), ORCID and SPIN code. It is needed to highlight separately (with *) the author for communication with the team of authors and indicate his contact phone number (only for emergency communication, it will not be published) and e-mail. Optionally, you can specify the e-mail of all authors.

4. Literature. Each source should be placed on a new line under a serial number in the bibliography (reference list).

• All the works in the list are listed in citation order.

• Number of cited works: up to 60 are allowed in original articles and lectures, up to 120 sources in reviews. It is advisable to quote works published over the past 5–7 years.

• References to sources are given in square brackets in Arabic numerals in the text of the article.

• The authors of the cited sources in the list of references should be indicated in the same order as in the primary source (if the publication has more than 4 authors, in this case it is necessary to put the abbreviation ‘…, etc.’ or ‘. .., et al.’) after the 3rd author. The title of the article mustn’t be shortened. The title of the English‑language journals should be given in accordance with the catalog of the names of the MedLine database (the names of the journal in the abbreviations are not put). If the journal is not indexed in MedLine, its full name must be indicated. The name of the English‑speaking magazine should be in italics. The // sign, which separates the title of the article from the name of the journal is put before the name of the journal, which is published in Russian. The title of the domestic magazine cannot be shortened.

TABLES should be placed in the text of the article, they should have a numbered heading and clearly marked columns, convenient and understandable for reading. These tables must correspond to the numbers in the text, but must not du‑plicate the information presented in it. References to tables are required in the text. Tables must have a title in Russian and English.

ILLUSTRATIONS. Figures (graphs, charts, diagrams, drawings and other illustrations drawn by means of MS Office) should be contrasting and clear. The amount of graphic material is minimal (with the exception of works in which this is justified by the nature of the study). Each figure must be placed in the text and accompanied by a numbered caption. References to figures in the text are obligatory. All the figures should have a title in Russian and English. The captions in the figures must also be duplicated in English.

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. If there are abbreviations in the article, then at the beginning of the article it is necessary to place a list of abbreviations. It is not recommended to use abbreviations in the resume. At the first use of the abbreviation, the full name must be given, and in abbreviations — abbreviated, then in the text only the abridged version.